Project M Dolphin Black Screen

  1. Project M Dolphin Black Screen Wallpaper
  2. Project M Dolphin Black Screen Protector
  3. Project M Dolphin 5.0

How to [Net]Play

For Normal Offline Play, you must launch the game from the PMNetplayV4.elf. If you do not see the following, there may be an issue with your sd card path or settings:

From this Screen: PRESS A to Launch Project M:

Netplay is a defining feature of Dolphin: it allows you to set up online sessions for any GameCube or Wii title with a local multiplayer mode, without the problems or limitations of the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection or hassle of the BBA.It is improving regularly, and GameCube Netplay should be painless. On netplay, it starts up on a black screen and stays frozen on that black screen. NOTE: If you're running multiple mods e.g. Infinite and Project M you will have to reselect the default SD Card each time and run the corresponding boot.elf for that mod to avoid any issues. Project M Remix. Download Project M Remix for Dolphin and extract the files. Extract the sd.rar to get the sd.raw.

To Connect:

7) Go to Tools > Start NetPlay...:

8) From the host, you will receive an 8 digit code. From here, you will input the 'Host Code' and hit 'Connect'. Just a reminder, your game CANNOT be running. The host WILL start the game for you:

9) From here, you will be able to set your own preferred buffer. More on this in the next section. For now, let your host set up the correct Minimum Buffer, and they will start up the emulation:


To Host:

Project m dolphin black screen protector

10) As the host, you have two methods to host. The first as listed above is to click Tools > Start Netplay... However, there is a new feature of right clicking the game and 'Host with Netplay.' In either case, you must host PMNetplayV4.elf:

~ OR ~

11) Once you're hosting, you must copy the host code in the top right and send it to your opponent. Once they connect, you will need to judge what the Minimum Buffer should be set to. To figure this out, divide the Ping of your opponent by 8 and round up.

REMINDER: Ping / 8. In the case below, the ping is 37ms, so it would be 37/8 = 4.625 rounded up = 5.

Project m dolphin download

ALSO, if the ping is < 32 ms, we recommend setting the buffer at a minimum of 4 buffer as the new input reduction codes provide the console + CRT experience @ 4 buffer. Any less would feel unnatural.

REMINDER: If Ping < 32ms, Minimum buffer = 4

Once set, both you and your opponent may change their personal buffer. If you prefer to play at a higher buffer than your opponent or vice versa, you/they may set their buffer to whatever buffer you/they desire >/= the minimum buffer sat. From here, Click Start and Press A from the launcher screen and you should be on your way to dueling!

Project M Dolphin Black Screen Wallpaper

Happy Smashing!

< Debug menu (SSBM)

Project M Dolphin Black Screen Protector

This article is about the usage of DEVELOP mode in Melee. For a collection of images of each stage under the effects of DEVELOP mode, see here.

Melee when run in DEVELOP mode.

DEVELOP mode is a debug mode found in Super Smash Bros. Melee accessed through its debug menu. The mode is activated by changing the DBLEVEL setting to DEVELOP. This will give the player extra control over matches, including free camera, visual hitbox, and frame advance.

Below is a table detailing the controls for the DEVELOP mode extra controls. Through these controls, one can obtain free control over the camera, see character and stage hitboxes, frame advance the match, see the parts of the stage, and drop items (similar to Training Mode).

Pauses the game, but without the usual pause interface.
Hard Pause + Frame advances the match.
+ Speeds up gameplay.
+ + Shrinks the player.
+ Displays a list of statistics for each player:
  • Unknown
  • CPU Level
  • AI Type
  • Handicap
  • Unknown
  • Offense Ratio
  • Defense Ratio
+ Shows the current score and any bonuses won.
+ Pauses the game normally.
+ Rotates through multiple visual effects.
  1. Normal
  2. No HUD
  3. Stage + Background goes white. Background effects can still be seen
  4. Stage + Background goes black. Background effects can still be seen
+ Toggles sound effects and music.
  1. Normal
  2. Music off
  3. Music + SFX off
  4. SFX off
+ Displays a set of stress bars detailing the GameCube's work load.
+ Displays each characters' animation information.
+ Grows the player.
+ Sets the player back to normal size.
+ Toggles collision bubbles for all characters and stage elements (See here).
  1. Normal
  2. Collision Bubbles Only
  3. Collision Overlay
+ Toggles various stage related visuals, such as spawn points, stage structures, and grab-able ledges (See here).
  1. Normal
  2. Removes shadows
  3. Displays camera boxes, spawn points, and changes certain floor surfaces to black.
  4. Same as above, but without the black floor change.
  5. Same as above, but also displays colored Stage Structures, ledge grab boxes, environment collision boxes, and character position markers (See here).
  6. Same as above, but displays Terrains instead of colored Stage Structures.
  7. Same as above, but also displays indication of drop-through platforms and grab-able ledges.
+ Toggles various character related visuals
  1. Normal
  2. Displays white polylines used for character costume physics like Link's and Young Link's hats, Marth's cape, and some of Jigglypuffs headwear.
  3. Displays a red gradient at the characters position marker as wide as the characters ECB indicating vertical motion since the last frame.
  4. Unknown
  5. Places white item grab boxes around the characters. These boxes turn blue when in the air. Also displays pink item catch boxes around items. When the white/or blue box intersects a pink box, the item can be grabbed. When white an item will continue to travel after pressing 'A' to grab it, for 1 frame. When they are blue and Z is pressed to grab the item, the item will be instantly picked up (And instantly throwable).
  6. Displays a white sphere attached to the characters pelvis that experiences frame interpolation similar to hitboxes.
  7. Unknown
+ Toggles collision bubbles for the player (See here).
  1. Normal
  2. Collision Bubbles Only
  3. Collision Overlay
Drops item selected on the Item Menu
+ Display Item Menu and cycle forward through the list (See here).
+ Display Item Menu and cycle backward through the list (See here).
+ Display Item Menu and cycle forward through Pokémon on the list (See here).
+ Display Item Menu and cycle backward through Pokémon on the list (See here).
Changes the camera view.
  1. Normal
  2. Locks the camera. It can only be controlled by debug controls
  3. Zooms in on player 1

This also removes Peach's and Zelda's dress, presumably used to test for glitched leg movement under the dress.

Used to rotate the camera (free form).
+ Zooms in and out.
+ Pans around the screen.

Stage Visual Key

For a collection of stages in their various debug states, see here.

Camera Boxes

Teal BoxCamera Limit
Light Yellow BoxBlast Line
Blue BoxCamera Focal Box
Small Red BoxIndicates the range from which a character can grab a ledge when facing left. When facing right, the box indicates the range from which a character cannot grab a ledge. Certain attacks such as Spin Attack will not alter the boxes in any way, but will allow the opposite facing direction to ledge grab.
Small Blue BoxIndicates the range from which a character can grab a ledge when facing right. When facing left, the box indicates the range from which a character cannot grab a ledge. Certain attacks such as Spin Attack will not alter the boxes in any way, but will allow the opposite facing direction to ledge grab.

Spawn Points

Blue PlusCharacter Starting Point
Green PlusCharacter Respawn Point
Yellow PlusItem Spawn Point
Red PlusEnemy Spawn Point
Magenta PlusTrophy Spawn Point
White PlusExit Point


Gray StructureStage Floor
Red StructureStage Ceiling
Blue StructureStage Left Wall
Green StructureStage Right Wall
Gray PlatformSolid No-Grab Platform
Blue PlatformDrop-Through Platform
Red PlatformGrab Platform

Structures that appear darker than other structures are dynamic, meaning they convert between floor, wall, and ceiling in real-time as they animate. One example is the entirety of Brinstar Depths.


Gray PlatformBasic Terrain
Brown PlatformRock Terrain
Light Green PlatformGrass Terrain
Dark Red PlatformDirt Terrain
Light Brown PlatformWood Terrain
Blue PlatformWater Terrain
Light Blue PlatformIce Terrain
White PlatformSnow Terrain
Dark Gray PlatformLight Metal Terrain
Dark Brown PlatformHeavy Metal Terrain
Yellow PlatformAlien Goop Terrain
Light Gray PlatformGame & Watch Terrain
Light Yellow PlatformCheckered Terrain


Orange BoxItem pickup boxes (when a character's hitbox overlaps the item's box, the character can pick it up.)

Collision Bubble Key

Luigi demonstrating visual hitboxes.

This is a list of all hitbox colors and what they are for. For more detail, see here.


Character Visual Key

Environment Collision Boxes (ECB)

White Diamond OutlineTarget ECB position.
Orange DiamondCorrected ECB, the target ECB altered to avoid intersecting with stage structures.
Dark Orange DiamondPrevious frames ECB, except for certain changes in momentum, like grapple recoveries.
Blue DiamondPrevious frames ECB, except for certain changes in momentum, like grapple recoveries.

Character Position Markers

White CrossTarget Character Position, attached to the bottom of the ECB when grounded, but not when airborne, except for Jigglypuff, Kirby, and Ness.
Brown CrossCorrected character position.
Reddish Brown CrossPrevious frames character position, except for certain changes in momentum, like grapple recoveries.
Dark Blue CrossPrevious frames character position, except for certain changes in momentum, like grapple recoveries.


  • Displays hitboxes for all players and stage elements.

  • Displays animation information for all players.

  • Displays the item menu.

  • Displays scores and bonuses for all players.

  • Displays scores and bonuses for all players on an overlay.

  • Displays a list of stats for all players.

  • Displays stress levels

  • Peach when rendered without her dress.

  • Zelda when rendered without her dress.

Debug menu (SSBM) elements
CharactersMaster Hand ·Crazy Hand ·Male/Female Wire Frames ·Giga Bowser ·Sandbag ·NONE
StagesDUMMY ·TEST ·AKANEIA ·ICETOP/10-2 ·Target Test stages ·Race to the Finish stage ·Trophy Collector ·Mushroom Kingdom ·Underground Maze ·Brinstar Escape Shaft ·F-Zero Grand Prix ·Icicle Mountain ·All-Star Rest Area ·Home-Run Stadium ·Goomba ·Entei ·Majora's Mask
Menus/modesDebug menu ·Debug sound test menu ·DEVELOP mode
MiscellaneousDitto ·List of CPU modes
Project M Dolphin Black Screen

Project M Dolphin 5.0

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