How To Change Twitch Title As Mod

Set the stream title in Twitch The title of your live stream in Twitch is set from your Twitch channel page in the stream information. You can find that under Settings on your Twitch Dashboard. See the online help in Twitch for details. Twitch Mod change title WITHOUT Nightbot? 7 months ago - in Twitch. How can you change the title of the stream without nightbot as a mod at Twitch? For this you need the editor rights. Would you recommend this site to

The !title command displays the current title of the stream and allows you and your moderators to modify it.



How To Change Twitch Stream Title As Mod

!title title

title is the title you wish to change your stream title to. Only place a title to change the title. Omitting this value displays the current title.



will return 'Current Stream Title: Day 2: Building Again'

Twitch Mod Title Edit

!title Day 3: Building Again

How To Change Twitch Title As Mod

will return 'The stream title has been updated to: Day 3: Building Again'

How to edit stream title as mod

How To Change Title On Twitch As Mod Streamelements

Note: The default userlevel for the !title command is set to everyone. This implies that everyone can check the current title of the stream. Only moderators and higher userlevels can modify the title.